Calling all Goldman Sachs 10KSB or Strategic Leaders graduates!

You’ve finished the programme, you’ve learnt so much and now the real work begins. Where do you start when it comes to turning all of that  learning into action? What does the theory look like in practical terms to ensure that you take your business from good to great? We know that, without accountability, support and challenge it is easy to lose focus on those high pay off activities that will enable you to gain traction in your business. And this is where our Growth Springboard Programme comes in.

Why not join one of our small groups of MDs (no more than 7) from non-competing businesses (all graduates from either the GS10KSB or our Strategic Leaders Programmes). We’d like to invite you to participate in a series of facilitated quarterly workshop days which provide you with ‘the board you can’t afford’ and ensure that you build on the learning. The aim is to ensure that every member of the group is stretched, challenged, supported and, most importantly, made accountable for delivering on their business growth intentions.

These quarterly full day sessions are expertly facilitated by a Morgan James Consulting Leader and will give you the opportunity to:

Share your greatest challenges and opportunities with a closed group of MDs who act as sounding boards and coaches to help you to overcome or capitalise on them

Enter ‘the Panic Room!’ Bring your worst nightmare or challenge to the group for us to intensively focus on that challenge and help you to find a solution to the issue

Build Your Leadership Competence: we will introduce models, ideas and discussions that address your business priorities which might include: recruitment and performance issues; decision making; making the most of the opportunities; B2B versus B2C selling; funding for growth or sustainability; product development; mergers and acquisitions; R&D opportunities; accessing new markets; PR and social media; using psychometrics for greater awareness; cultural change and challenges; getting the vision off the paper & into the behaviours; how to stop being everyone’s dad (or mum!) in your business!…plus many others topics that members bring to the table can be addressed through these sessions

Learn from the experts: We regularly invite another guest who has ‘been there, seen it, done it, made the mistakes and masterminded the recovery or sale!’ to inspire you to overcome your own blocks and build your business

Put the Learning into Practise: Using bespoke business simulations that are designed to replicate your work placed experiences, we give you the opportunity to live out scenarios and embed the learning in a safe and confidential environment

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan: Every member of the group commits to deliver on quarterly strategic priorities and is held accountable by the rest of the group’s members.


These quarterly full day sessions are expertly facilitated by a Morgan James Consulting Expert and will help you to:

  • Maximise or spot opportunities for your business and deliver on your growth plan intentions
  • Discuss your greatest challenges in a supportive, confidential environment and draw on the experience of the group
  • Learn from industry experts and visiting keynote speakers
  • Refine your leadership skills through participating in our devilish business simulations, applying their practical lessons back in your business
  • Set and be held accountable to delivering on your strategic objectives
  • Build long term relationships with like-minded leaders that you can trust

Who is it for?

Graduates of the GS10KSB or Strategic Leaders Programmes. Leaders who have responsibility for: decision making; strategic planning; performance managing their people and setting a direction for the business.

Growth Springboard is a fantastic continuation on from Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses course – hugely beneficial in building stronger relationships post course and providing a structured, positive, motivational environment. One of the key benefits has been having the time to review and implement the myriad of good ideas from the course on an ongoing basis in a realistic timeframe.”

Neil Holland, Managing Director, Concert Networks


You will never get a ‘cookie-cutter’ course from us. At Morgan James Consulting, we will always find out exactly what issues you are facing and make sure we create a tailored and bespoke programme just for you.
We are incredibly proud to work with a global network of experts in a wide range of fields. Every expert has been handpicked by us to ensure we are delivering high standard, compelling and effective programmes.
We recognise change can be difficult, so our team are always on hand to support you through the process and to challenge you as you stretch and grow. Our aim is for you grow in confidence, tear up any life-limiting scripts that are blocking your performance and truly live up to your full potential!



Bernadette Lyons:

Thanks so much Lily Newman from Morgan James Consulting for a brilliant, engaging session, pushing us all out of our comfort zones, and preparing our MBAs for their best possible chance of success as they leverage their MBA as our future global leaders! And, as always, great fun... full of music - and even a bit of singing, rapping and dancing!! You always deliver with insight and energy - thank you.”    
_Bernadette Lyons,Career and Business Development Coach (MBA), Liverpool University
HilltopFinance Logo
The structure of the Effective Managers Programme delivered by Morgan James has helped me to be conscious of my behaviours, given me lots of ideas to take away to implement within my team and the business. I feel much more confident now around making decisions, dealing with difficult conversations and I’ve really become more conscious around my delegation skills, something I need to keep developing as my team and the business grows.
_Hayley Kenyon DipPFS,Head of Wealth Management, Hilltop Finance
Strategic Leaders should be mandatory for every emerging leader. Under the exceptional tutorage of Lily Newman and her team of highly skilled and devoted associates, the level, diversity and depth of, not just theory, but supervised practical application of all the elements required to be an effective leader is unsurpassed. Over the course duration, you experience a greater sense of self, whilst building a lifelong bond with other leaders on the course from various backgrounds and experiences. The course has transformed our thinking, actions and outcomes, to which much of our future shall be in part determined by what we learnt here today.
_Jay Allen,Founder, My True North
Civic Engineers Logo

I thoroughly enjoyed the Effective Managers Programme with Morgan James Consulting. It was engaging, thought provoking, and has helped me in my management of myself and others. I learnt a lot regarding delegation and dealing with difficult conversations with team members. Being relatively new to managing people, I found the training invaluable.

_Ed Robinson,Associate, Civic Engineers

My work with Lily was truly beneficial giving me time, space, and a brilliant coach, to help me reflect on what was important in my life and work. Lily pushed me to consider issues which were uncomfortable at times but which I needed to address – and to reflect on my skills and talents and how I was applying them. Overall, it has a great experience.

_Simon Nokes,Executive Director Policy & Strategy, GMCA
JDA Architects Logo

JDA have been fortunate enough to be involved in one of Morgan James Growth Group for the last 12 months – it has been transformational. Whilst a change of mindset is required to open up to a group of people outside of your business, once there the sessions become hugely beneficial not only to me as a Director but to the company as a whole. Rarely are you held to account in such a supportive and positive way but with an excellent chair in Lily herself. The sessions combine the best practice of some key note speakers with the open and inclusive personal sessions that set the tone for JDA’s future growth.

_Rob Henderson,Director, JDA Architects
Urban Bubble Logo

I have worked with Lily for 5 years following the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Growth Programme, where Lily was one of the executive associates delivering the leadership elements of the course. Following the brilliant programme, a handful of business owners wanted to continue our development and hold ourselves accountable to the plans we’d put in place. Lily developed and delivers a Growth Springboard Group which has been the perfect vehicle in which we continue our development as business leaders, in an open, trusting and challenging environment – it provides the environment in which you can push yourselves with respected peers and an even better coach. Without this group, I have no doubt at all, urbanbubble would not succeeded in growing its revenue base X 10 and becoming a national provider in what we do.

_Michael Howard,Managing Director, Urban Bubble
The Social

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed yesterday’s session. This was a real ‘gestalt moment’ of a day for me yesterday. Peter’s landing of his session on corporate governance was absolutely spot on. The perfect balance of education and inspiration. Elizabeth’s session on Emotional Intelligence was equally fabulous and has already helped me today. The perceptual positioning exercise was timely and invaluable and has already given me success with a member of my team today! Thank you to you two wonderful ladies (Elizabeth and Lily) and your fantastic team. I’m thrilled to be learning from you as I move through this stage of my professional journey.

_Diana MacCarthy,Director, Social

I just want to thank you wholeheartedly for the support you’ve given me over the past 9 months. I really feel like I have a much rounder understanding of who I am as a leader and have learnt so many techniques for improving my ability to consider and involve others. You have played an instrumental part in supporting me through a particularly challenging time and have helped me to develop a level of resilience I never thought possible. I genuinely believe my sessions with you have played a huge part in getting me through one of the toughest experiences in my career. You have such an ability to re-focus and help me to step outside the situation and see things so much more clearly. Lily, you truly are a wonderful coach and human being!

_Senior Manager,Innovative Alliance

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Lily as part of the syllabus of the Goldman Sachs 10KSB course covering Leadership, People and Growth.  The tools, guidance and insight she provided changed my game and improved my skills in these areas no-end, it has also helped develop the skills of other people within our business. It has given us absolute clarity on what we needed to do to build our business around our people and given us the ability to grow the great culture we had even further. From the very start I just felt that Lily was genuine, her style is truly engaging and her techniques and style keep you engaged and smiling throughout.

_Philip Marsden,Director, Vetrix

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